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Want to rearrange your iPhone home screen? Here is how to hide apps.

From customized screensavers to decorative phone cases, everyone’s iPhone is unique. There are so many ways to personalize your device, including your home screen setup.
How you organize your apps, folders and widgets is completely up to you. You may opt to keep certain apps – such as your banking app – hidden for privacy reasons.
The rearranging process doesn’t need to be complicated. Before you accidentally delete something important, here’s how to hide and remove apps on an iPhone.
If your iPhone has iOS 14 or later, you can remove apps’ visibility from your home screen. Every app downloaded on your device is housed in the App Library, which is the last page you can swipe to. The apps are organized in folders, such as “Productivity & Finance,” “Utilities” and “Social.”
Apps cannot be removed or hidden from this feature unless they are deleted entirely from the device. You can, however, hide apps on your home screen pages.
To remove an app:
The app will no longer appear on your home screen, but will still be on your iPhone in the App Library.
If you want to add an app back, go to the App Library and hold down the app again, then click “Add to Home Screen.”
You may also want to remove an app from appearing on your iPhone’s search feature. Start by going to your device’s settings app:
If you don’t like the organization of your home screen, you can delete the page:
To add the page back, follow the same steps but re-tap the circle to make the checkmark icon appear.
Want to delete an app from your iPhone? Follow these steps:
Even certain built-in apps, including Videos, Voice Memos and Weather, can be deleted.
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