Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings on Space Forces Day

The message reads, in part:
“You rightly take pride
in the remarkable, heroic pages in the history of Space Forces, the military
and labour achievements of many generations of servicemen, scientists, engineers
and civilian specialists. Of course, one of the most significant and truly
unforgettable events in the annals of the space industry was the launch of the first man-made Earth satellite on October 4, 1957. This event marked the beginning of the era of exploring near-Earth space, extensive scientific
research and the development of advanced technologies.
It is important that today
the personnel of the Space Forces uphold and advance the traditions of honest
and selfless service to the Fatherland established by their predecessors and veterans. They must display a high level of training and stand firm in safeguarding Russia’s strategic interests.
I want to emphasise that
your primary and most important objectives include conducting experimental
space operations and tests, as well as the adopting modern high-tech equipment
into service. Among these, the Angara space rocket system holds a top priority.
It is set to play a crucial role in ensuring Russia’s independent and guaranteed access to outer space.
I am confident that you will
continue to make a unique contribution to expanding the combat potential of the Armed Forces and to strengthening the defence capability and national security
of our country.”
